Walk-ins welcome

SPECS Missions, Inc.

Dr. Jeff Long’s SPECS Missions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. SPECS is an acronym for Servants Providing Eye Care Services. They offer a free eye exam and a free pair of glasses every weekday to someone in need in our community, at both locations.

Schedule An Appointment Today​

71st & ELWOOD

109th & MEMORIAL


With several thousand name brand frames to choose from, our optical showrooms have two of the largest and best selections in Oklahoma. Our doctors and knowledgeable staff are there to guide and serve you to make sure you find the perfect style, fit and lenses that you desire.

Jordyn satisfied with her new stylish pair of glasses in the clinic facing the camera
A woman trying out a new stylish pair of glasses in the clinic, looking at her reflection in the mirror
